All about mulching

Mulching, sometimes also called mulching, provides many benefits. This process appeared in the 50s in the United States improves the garden soil and brings it closer to the soil in its natural state. If previously, gardeners mainly used straw, nowadays there is a wide variety of materials for mulching them.
The mulching, definition
Mulching is a technique that involves covering the soil around the plants. It can be done almost anywhere: in the beds of perennials, at the foot of trees, in the vegetable garden. Some even apply it in the orchard or at the foot of shrubs. Moreover, note that it is also possible to mulch potted plants. Mulching aims to transform the soil and bring it closer to the natural state. To do this, we cover it with materials, pine bark for example. We simply put the latter at the foot of the plants we want to mulch.
Mulch, what is it for?
Mulching is used for many things. Its adoption makes it possible to:
- Prevent the spread of weeds in your garden,
- Reduce differences in soil temperatures, this promotes the development of microorganisms necessary to preserve the quality of the earth,
- Promote the production of humus that absorbs water,
- Promote water retention, which ensures soil moisture,
- Delimit the garden,
- Protect the soil from bad weather, and therefore, avoid the phenomenon of erosion,
- Give the garden a singular charm,
- Preserve the cleanliness of vegetables,
- Limit the damage caused by insects of all kinds.
Some advantages of mulching
Mulching has many advantages:
- It is a completely natural process
- It keeps soil moisture
- It makes the soil more fertile
- It reduces the need for fertilizer
- It is an ideal plant protection during the winter
- It brings nutrients to the earth
- It retains the heat
- It protects the roots
- It isolates plants from fungi that can attack them
- It improves the structure of the soil
Note that mulching offers even more benefits, beyond those just mentioned.
The materials of mulching
Mulching can be done with a wide variety of materials, ranging from dead leaves to lawn mowing. Know that gravel, pebbles, sand, recyclable cardboard, newspaper papers and pozzolan, to name a few, can also be used as mulch.
Mulching with the mulching cloth
In mulching, the use of plastic film offers enormous practicality. Indeed, it is easier to install. In addition to this, it is a specially designed braided tarp to protect the soil and prevent weeds. This kind of product is ideal for covering long lengths, the hedge for example.