Potential copies of the sheets 250 grams

All sectors of activity are affected by the risk of counterfeiting. This «privilege», a real scourge for companies, is no longer reserved only for the luxury sector, pharmaceutical products or cigarettes. Now almost all professionals are affected.
Counterfeit products imitate, reproduce or attempt to reproduce a product identically without permission or right to do so. These copies of objects, products, textiles are then put on the market, again, more or less legally. The consumer has not always been informed of the authenticity of the object and does not always suspect having to deal with a simple reproduction. The process is therefore generally dishonest, since deception is deliberately ignored.
This is the case of plastic tarpaulins, category 250 grams, offered on our online store BACHES-DIRECT: because we are committed to providing you with quality products, certified safe, we have selected manufacturers of plastic tarpaulins and accessories specialized in their field.
Unfortunately, we realized that not all distributors were as conscientious about the satisfaction and, above all, the safety of their customers. Indeed, fraudulent products are currently circulating on the plastic tarpaulin market, which is why we ask you to be extra vigilant.
Description of fraudulent products
Counterfeit tarpaulins are currently circulating on the web: sold as protective tarpaulins of type 250 grams/ m², they are actually of a much lower weight, generally 220g/ m². If the available colors seem to match the reference Product, the presentation is false: these tarpaulins have the same color, the same visual appearance, but they are in no case protections of type 250g. The material used to make these tarpaulins is regenerated and there is no UV protection. Finally, the service life is divided by 4.
In addition to the shortfall for our teams of advisors, it is above all your safety, and that of users and public in contact with the supposedly 250g tarpaulins, which is at stake. The qualities of resistance, the finishes, the guarantee of anti-UV treatments are not respected. The manufacturing process does not comply with the specifications actually requested, but you are not informed when ordering.
You are thinking of buying a high-end certified material, you are actually using a copied and imitated product, whose quality is much lower than your expectations and uses.
The real 250 grams tarpaulins, available on BACHES-DIRECT
The 250 gram tarpaulin is a particularly popular product because it has an excellent quality/ price ratio. It is ideal for small budgets! This is the perfect compromise, halfway between the entry-level tarpaulins and the so-called heavy, truck-type tarpaulins. Popular with both professionals and individuals, the 250 gram tarpaulin is practical and suitable for many applications: renovation work, painting site, machinery protection, roofing, waterproof cover to protect wood, etc.
Made of polyethylene HDPE plastic, it is also treated to withstand UV rays and prolonged outdoor exposure.
Before validating your purchase, take care of the details of the manufacturing process: check the actual weight, tear resistance or resistance to temperature variations. Is this information not published? Contact the after-sales service of the site or, for maximum precautions, trust the expertise BACHES-DIRECT!