Well prepare a painting site thanks to protective tarps

Redo the painting of the house requires a minimum of preparation especially regarding the equipment. Discover our advice and our protective tarps for painting to fully protect your floors, rooms or furniture.
Why a protection?
When the owner of a house decides to renovate the painting of its interior walls, his goal is to revive the internal atmosphere of his home. Thus, there is no question of creating new tedious tasks. Indeed, a painting workshop can cause dirt on floors and also on some objects that can not be moved because of their size or weight. The same phenomenon can occur at the level of the tiles of the kitchen and those of the bathroom. Cleaning these stains can result in additional costs because it will be necessary to provide specific products to remove paint stains without taking into account the time it will take.
Using a plastic sheet is the best solution to prevent paint drips from the roller or brush from landing on the floors or kitchen worktop. This cover also prevents these stains from attaching to the bathtub. This large commercially available protective film is used to cover parts of the house that are not affected by painting work. This material is available in different dimensions and the person leading the site must choose his tarpaulin according to his needs and according to the importance of the surface to be protected.
How to install the tarp?
Getting a quality tarp is one thing, but the person doing the work must also know how to use it. So before you can extend the tarp, you have to make room in the room. Furniture must be moved to ensure that the canvas can cover a maximum of surface. The objective is to spread the plastic film so as to eliminate folds. It should be noted that the protection is optimal when the tarpaulin is uniformly deployed on the surface to be protected.
The craftsman or apprentice painter will start by taping the tarp along the wall from the end of the skirting board. The protective film must then be stretched to cover the floor. Roll the tarpaulin in a direction perpendicular to the wall. This prevents the material from creasing. This operation must be renewed with each change of side. It is safer to remove the tarp as soon as the last brush strokes are made.
Discover without further delay our special paint covers!